Master Builders of
the past understood
ancient skills and
trade secrets.

Are you a builder desiring to
become a master in your field?

About Master Builder University

Master Builders of the past knew things that most builders today don’t know. This 3-day intensive is designed for a select group of custom builders and remodelers who have experience in the field of building and a desire to understand the life-long skills necessary to become a Master Builder.

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About 1

About 2

About 3

Mentorship & Practical Application

When participants leave Master Builder University they should expect to be ready to practically apply what they have learned. Not only will participants gain knowledge of best practices to improve on the job everyday, but they will have opportunity to network with other like-minded builders and troubleshoot building issues with Brent one-on-one.


Materials will be provided to accompany Interactive Lectures on historic building methods, classical design, sketching and build science, as well as Group Q&A sessions, Field Studies, and a One-On-One session with Brent.

Follow-up Consults

Each participant will have opportunity to schedule two 30-minute consults with Brent: a Three Week Check-in and a Three Month Check-in to review goals set during the seminar.

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The MBU Story

Brent believes that the state of building today is lacking; modern craftsmanship would benefit from the ways it used to be done. He’s on a mission to improve craft and help fellow builders relearn the past, one house at a time.

More About Brent

Frequently Asked Questions

  • When is the next MBU?

    September 2024
    The first MBU will be held Thursday, September 19 at 5:00 p.m. - Saturday, September 21, 2024 at noon, in-person at Hull Headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas.
    Apply Now

  • Who is MBU for?

    MBU is for builders who desire to understand the life long skills and ancient trade secrets that allowed historic builders to become masters. Hard-working, problem solving builders who have a passion to build better and more beautifully will get the most out of MBU.
    Apply Now

  • What does MBU cost?

    The cost of tuition is $5,000. Cost covers the 3-day Intensive Seminar, materials, four meals and snacks.
    Apply Now

  • How does registration work?

    Online Registration Applications are due by June 19, 2024.

    Due at time of Registration:
    1. $2,500 Non-Refundable Deposit
    2. Business Questionnaire

    Due August 19, 2024 (30 days prior to the event):
    1. $2,500 Non-Refundable Balance
    2. Overview of Company Financials*
    3. Personality Test*
    * In order to help you best grow in your career, Brent needs to know a little bit more about you and your company. To facilitate this, participants will be asked to please complete these pre-event items as part of the registration process.

    ** Master Builder University registration fee is non-refundable. If unforeseen circumstances occur and you are unable to attend, we will gladly roll your registration to the next Master Builder University.
    Apply Now

  • Are travel and lodging included in my registration cost?

    No, participants are responsible for their own lodging and travel expenses.
    Apply Now

What’s Next?

Registration for Master Builder University has closed.

Please sign up for our newsletter to learn about future opportunities.

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